All of Unit 15 IMPROVED 2



  • Ratchet and clank
  • Star wars Battlefront II
  • Wii sports
  • Angry birds
  • GTA
1-Ratchet and clank is a third-person shooter and action puzzle game targeted towards children and teenagers. There is a currency called bolts which drop from killing enemies, destroying crates or as a mission reward there is also a much rarer currency called golden bolts which are found throughout the games many planets in hard to see or reach areas. The game is a story driven single player game however there is a split screen mode in which you battle it out in teams with the goal to destroy the other team’s base. Ratchet and clank is similar to the banjo kazooie series and jak and daxter series .The game has lots of weapons available to the player which in later games new weapons were added and were given the ability to be upgraded to increase power they also had an area mode in which you could win more bolts and new gear form certain events. There is also some cheat codes which swapped ratchets trusty wrench with a light saber
2-Star wars battlefront II (2005) is a third person action shooter game with targeted at teenagers and adults with three game modes instant action, galactic conquest and the campaign. Instant action is where you chose exactly which map and the faction you fight for, Galactic conquest was where you chose which faction you sided with and you try to conquer the entire galaxy and defeating the opposing faction. There is no currency in instant action or the story but there is a point system which in a battle after reaching a predetermined amount of point allowed you to play as two special classes. While there is no in instant action and the story there is ac currency called credits in galactic conquest which you earn from winning battles and spend on upgrades like different troops or extra armour for the next battle. People could play instant action in split screen with a friend or family member there was also a multiplayer however it was hard to find a good connection. This game is similar to call of duty or battlefield. 
3-Wii Sports is a First/ third person sports game and used motion sensing to sense when the player moved the controller to play sports like golf, tennis and boxing. This has no currency but a point system that when you win a match you accumulate points after win and lose points if you lose and after you have 1000 points you gained the pro-status. People can play split-screen either against each other or on the same team like doubles in tennis. Other games like this are will sports resort, Wii fit however there are the only similar game which could be show why this game is as popular as it is rare in the gaming market
4- Angry birds is a casual puzzle game made primarily for mobile. The aim of the game is to use several different coloured birds to save the birds eggs from green pigs who have stolen the eggs the game is aimed at the younger audience but appeals to all ages sue to is fun and simplistic nature. The scoring system is a three star system in which you gain stars from earning point the points are gained from amount of damaged dealt to the pig’s structures and a bonus for each bird you didn’t use. While there is no direct multiplayer or co-op there are third party apps or websites like game centre which track your progress and compare your progress with others. There are similar games like this that are made for the flash web market like crush the castle. The game has received many spinoffs like space, star wars, transformers and evolution.
5- GTA is a game series that allows you to earn money by breaking the law. GTA is a third/first person shooter. The game is aimed at the older age group so 18+. The aim of the game is to earn as much money as possible. The game is open world which means you can go wherever you want in the many vehicles that you can buy or steal. The games scoring system is money so the more you play the more money you get. There is an online mode which allows people to fight and race and do heists together. There are not many games like this which makes it so popular.


FPS- this category is game in which you use gun or sword in a first person perspective so like you see in real life. The usual game play is fast action war games in which you kill other people with a variety of weapons ranging from pistols to snipers. Players enjoy the fast action game play of this category and the ability to run around with gun which is not possible in real life. Many FPS started with only single player modes but has become even more popular due to the development of online multiplayer. The category started with Wolfenstein 3D and now with games Like COD and Battlefield have only strengthen the category
RPG-In this category players control the actions of a character in an open world. Many RPG have origins in tabletop role-playing games and use much of the same terminology, settings and game mechanics. Other major similarities with tabletop games are the story telling of a unique story, player character development, complexity, as well as replay ability and immersion. Unlike the tabletop games that RPG are based on RPGs don’t have a game-master which is an advantage to  playing electronic RPGs because it allows you to explore adventure and fight your way through the world and story at the pace your want. RPGs have evolved from simple text-based console-window games into visually rich 3D experiences. The first RPG was called Adventure and the latest in the RPG category is Monster hunter world.
RTS- this category is a top down game where you control an army of troops form infantry to heavy armored tanks or battleship. this game can be set during WW2 and all the way to space so the category  has a wide range of different themes. this game doesn't stop so you must move troops in real time so while you engage the enemy on one side the AI or other player can be defending that side while attacking the other side and the game does not stop so it will be happening at any time. the category can be fast paced and slow paced due to the types of players that play the category it appeals to gamer by allowing the player to change history like allow Germany to win WW2 or be controlling massive spaceships surround a distant planet not yet discovered


Ratchet and clank

The game is a fast paced Third person game in which player enjoy the fast paced game and wide array of weapons that you can use the game is aimed at children between the age of 8-12. In the game there is a main character who is called ratchet which in the first five minutes we learn that ratchet is the last one of his race called the lombaxs, he is also trying to find a galactic hero but he is stuck on this planet and he has built this ship but it is missing an important piece which he needs to travel the stars, luckily this is when a ship crashed on the planet so ratchet goes to investigate when he finally gets to the crashed ship he finds a robot called clank who is a defective robot who escaped a robot factory and stole a ship but crashed on the planet ratchet takes the robot back to his house and continues working on his ship and finds out clank is exactly what he needs.Ratchet interacts with the world by destroying boxes and shooting enemy. he is able to be moved in every direction. the most important feature of the game is the guns as it is how you get through the game and defeat bosses. The games main way to score points is to defeat enemies and destroy boxes as this give bolts which you use  to buy ammo and guns. The game appeals to is audience  by being a dumbed down shooter and the game has bright colours which applies to this younger audience however the game does have some moments which requires skill and is intense this is why the game is targeted at the slightly older children. the game handles death differently to most shooter in which the player dies a horrible death while in ratchet and clank most of the death aren't seen as the camera fades black before you see him die or he just fall to the floor and respawns 


The game is a slow paced battle royal game in which you have to outlast 99 other people which appeals  to many as the odds are low so it gives you the satisfaction. in the first five minutes you have made your character and you learn that you character has no background. the interact with the world  by picking up guns and clothes that have spawned all over the map. the character can move in any direction even down as you start the game in a plane and parachute don onto the map. the most important feature of the main character is the ability to move around. After every game you earn Battle points which you use to but crates and gets new clothes in game. the most important achievement in the game is winning as the game is hard to win due to the amount of other players.the game appeals to the older audience who know that there will be consequences to certain actions like peaking round cover is high risk high reward which the audience who plays this game wants from a game because most game are easy whereas a lot of gamers want a challenge from a game to feel like they have accomplished something. 


The game is where you are an Italian plumber called Mario this game is aimed at young people. it is a simple game which makes it appeal to a wide audience. After five minuets you fin out that Mario has a brother called Luigi who is also a plumber. in the game you gain coins which you use to buy lives after accumulating a certain amount.this game is bright colourful and has not gore when Mario dies which appeals to the young audience well because 5-8 year old children want  an easy game  with no gore and following a fantasy princess story line and a nice friendly boss 

Rainbow Six Siege 

the game is aimed at young adults due to its FPS style game-play. the game is a very high skilled game due to it one shot kill potential and tactical nature which makes it a good  e-sports candidate since its release. in the first five minutes you learn that you can play many operator from around the worlds special forces like SAS and Navy Seals. the characters can move in all directions and can rappel up and down walls also players can destroy certain walls with explosions and gunfire. to score points you need to get kills and destroy enemy gadgets like traps and cameras. there is also an in game currency which you can buy customization with. this game is highly tactical which give the sense of consequences when something is done wrong like dying early in the round means that you cant come back till the round is over which make you play more conserved which appeal to the audience that put time in to games that want something out of it because the more you play the better you get and the more you learn the maps and when you get good enough you can join a team and play in pro league and earn money

All these games use guns and  move in every direction apart from Mario but rainbow and PUBG has more movement features like leaning and repelling  


In this new game based around game of thrones it would be best to have mostly Player controlled character due to the player being able to do what they want especially in a medieval fantasy game like WOW(World of Warcraft) with some of the main characters from the show being NON-player controlled. Player controlled character are real people playing the game with a virtual avatar and allow for new interactions every time you meant them due to them being real people who are not scripted however with this non scripted interaction there is chance for cyber bullying to occur which will harm player count.NON-player controlled character who have been created by the developers of the game with pre-recorded and scripted in game interactions which means the replay ability is limited due to you already have heard what the character has to say  


First person game are where the player see it from the perspective of the character like through their eyes rather than in third person where the player see the surrounding area from an angle outside of the player like a floating camera following the player around like Call of Duty or battlefield. Third person allows cover based shooters or platformed to work well as for a cover based game it allows the player to tactically move around the area as it allows  the player to see around them a rather than just on to the floor or cover in front of them The division or Star wars battlefront . First person allows fast paced shooters to work well due to it perspective in the eyes of the character which allow the player to gain enough information of the area in front of them which allows for quick decision making due to the limit of visual information therefore there is never too much information given to the player at once. However in an Assassin’s creed game having the third person perspective allows player to plan their stealthy encounter and plan which enemies they will kill when and how to remain hidden while doing it as this is what the fans want from the game. If Ubisoft switched it to first person they would have to code the game completely different due to the game now being seen from the eyes of the player and not the surrounding also the stealth would need to be revamped to allow the first person aspect to still produce engaging game play.

Overall I think Ubisoft should keep assassin’s creed in third person due to all the hassle it would be to re code the game and still make it an engaging gaming title.


A sprit in computer gaming is a static two dimensional shape used in early gaming to portray a character on a larger area like a back ground. A sprite can be animated using multiple sprites of the same character in different poses.

Space invaders- uses sprites for the main ship you control and the alien ships that you have to destroy in order to win are sprites that you use the ship can move side to side while the alien ships can move sideways (left and right) and down so the alien ships can advance towards the player.

Mario- uses spirits doe Mario which can move up, down and left and right and which allows you to move Mario across the map and allow you to encounter the other sprite in the game which are the enemies that can move only left and right this enemies will be destroy if the sprite Mario land on top of the enemy

Angry birds – uses sprites for the birds and pigs and the blocks that the pigs build there forts out of

P2 -Prototypes

Prototypes are games that have been made not to be released to the public but for the developers to see if the game mechanics are fun and exciting to play or the game looks good or if the mechanics work or if the sounds sound right at the time it is triggered.

Games can have many different types of prototypes like gameplay prototypes, landscape prototypes or feasibility prototypes. Gameplay prototypes are prototypes of the gameplay so the developers can see what is working well and if features need to be removed because they dont fit in the the game well enough to be fun.Landscape prototypes are prototypes that allow the developers to see how the world will look when the game is finished and so the objects fit in to the games style. and feasibility prototypes are prototypes that show the developers if the game is actuality  achievable and not in the realms of being impossible to crate with the budget and time constraints. 

Prototyping is useful as it allows developer to see if the game they have design and planned is possible with the tools available to them and to see if the game is actually worth developing as if the game is fun but becomes boring very quickly then maybe.

Project Milo is a prototype developed for the Xbox Kinect about a boy called Milo, who you can interact with so like make ripples in the water or draw a picture.

Prototypes like project Milo are prototypes ahead of its time as the capabilities of the hardware or software are just not good enough to make the game good enough to be fun to play or able to be played in an engaging manner 

P3A – Requirement specification

Audience –this game is aimed at young children to early teenagers due to it simplistic gameplay which requires little skill but is still enjoyable and creates a wider imagination in young children.

Purpose – the purpose of the game is to let the player explore space in a spaceship and defeat UFOs in a simple and enjoyable manner.

Environment – The game will be on PC and will be single player to allow the game to run smoothly on all types of PC because the game will not need to keep a multiplayer connection or have to worry about using a different key layout.

Functionality – the objective of the game is to fight off more aliens to seize control of the planet. Once the player reaches a certain amount of points the level will be complete and the player will move on to the next

Performance – the game should run fine on most if not all PC due to it simple nature and lack of objects on the screen and almost no objects interacting on each other until the ship reaches a planet or UFO. However if the game slows down I will reduce the amount of UFO or planets in the game and slow the spaceship down to increase performance.


Navigation- the player will fly around space with the space ship and heads to planets.

Scoring- the player gains a  score for destroying UFO. when a certain amount of points have been reached the level ends sending the player to the hub world. once the player progresses through out he game a boss will appear and when the player defeats the the boss the game ends

Movement- the game will have up, down, left and right controls which will be controlled using the arrow keys and a shoot function using space bar.
·         Arrow key left = move left at a constant rate
·         Arrow key right = move right at a constant rate
·         Arrow key down = move down at a constant rate
·         Arrow key up = move up at a constant rate
·         Space bar = shoot

Interaction/control- The player will interact with the wall by not being able to go past the wall and the player will die if it come in contact with a UFOs

Sound-the game will have sound when the ships explode and when the player shoots and when the player dies

Levels- the level are wave based as you are surrounded by enemies and will have varying enemies that have more health or quicker or shoot back

Enemies- the enemies are UFO that will get harder as the game progresses so will start not being able shoot but will eventually shoot back a you 


I will make my game 2D due to software limitations and my game will be better in 2D as it will perform better. making it 3D will be unachievable due to the limited time for this project and lack of resources  available to me

P3E-Character Generation

I will use bitmaps as there is no point in using wire frames as my game will be in 2D and bitmaps will perform and look better as my game is technically lacking and it would not be worth using wire-frames as my sprite will not have any movable limbs or extremitys


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