2.1 information styles and their uses
Text-Text is the simplest format in which to keep information.
Graphic-Diagrams are probably the most obvious example of graphic as they are usually intended to provide instructions or convey knowledge   
Video-information is conveyed as a visual and audio presentation
Animated Graphic-An image where elements move and change.
Audio- any recorded sound and includes the spoken words
Numerical-information presented in numbers
Braille text-tactile form of writing that uses dots on a page and is read by touch
Tactile Images- as well as braille, information may be presented on other tactile ways for example, a viewer can feel certain images and experience their shapes through touch, rather than just by sight.
Subtitles-allows deaf users to access audio information
Boolean-information that can only be in one of two forms 
Tables and spreadsheets-numerical data can be held in many forms like a table or spreadsheets.
Charts and graphs- present data in more visual manner than list of text by using ones or boxes.

2.2 Information classification



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